A registered trademark in India expires after 10 years. But, it can be kept permanent by filing a trademark renewal application online or offline by paying necessary renewal fees every 10 years. This application has to be filed on or before 6 months from the date of expiration of the registration. Trademark Renewal in India can help you keep your trademark perpetual and permanent as there are no restrictions on how many times and for how many years you wish to keep your trademark status active and registered. TaxPro Experts can assist you with the renewal process, ensuring your trademark remains protected and active for as long as you need.
It is possible to have seamless trademark protection without any chances of litigation. Renewal of trademarks makes it impossible for someone to claim rights over it other than the trademark owner.
One can avail protection from infringement of rights over the brand name. The exclusive rights over the trademark are extended for 10 years after each renewal. Hence it provides a permanent protection of your brand and goodwill created by the brand, as emphasized by TaxPro Experts.
Renewal of trademark promises continuous and unhindered protection of the brand name. Failure of renewal leads to a lapse of legal protection in the Brand name.
A trademark owner has the exclusive rights to assign or license the mark to someone else in return for some monetary compensation. Thus, one can make a profit from a registered trademark as well.
Trademark renewal is a process and one should follow the complete process with the rules and regulations in order to protect the reputation and brand value of a business enterprise or an individual.
The following are some advantages of best trademark renewal in Delhi:
Defense against any pointless legal action: The authorized owners of the trademark will avoid the likelihood of any type of pointless litigation by periodic trademark renewal in India. The Renewal renders it difficult for anybody other than the registered owner of the trademark to assert any rights in the trademark.
The safety of the brand: The Brand Name will continue to enjoy unimpeded protection from other market competitors thanks to the Trademark Renewal online in India. If the deadline to submit an application for renewal has passed, the Brand Name will really lose its legal protection.
Extends Ownership Rights: The applicant is qualified to receive protection against trademark infringement in India. After each Trademark Renewal in India, the authorized owner’s exclusive rights over the registered Trademark are extended for a further ten years.
Financial Returns: The exclusive authority to transfer or grant a license to use a trademark that has been registered in India belongs to its owner. In exchange for payment to the legitimate owner of the registered trademark, the assignment and licensing of a trademark are granted to another party. As a result, the owner of the registered trademark in India may profit in some way.
With our help at TaxPro Experts, you may renew your trademark in only 3 simple actions and get all the help you need from the best trademark renewal services in Delhi. With the assistance of our professionals and our lightning-fast online platform, you can easily submit all the required paperwork, pay the trademark renewal fees via our secure channel, and have your trademark renewed in just a few days!
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