401(k) Audit

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Best 401(k) Audit Services

Leverage the expertise of our dedicated team of professionals at TaxPro Experts to assist you with your 401(k) audit service needs. Whether these needs relate to reviewing audit eligibility or researching financial statements for Employee Benefit Plans (EBP), or reconciliation to Form 5500, our team has extensive knowledge and understanding of current regulatory requirements to help your business meet all audit reporting requirements. This allows our clients to focus on business operations without the stress and time commitment associated with audit preparation.

Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services

  • Comprehensive audit services
  • Operational Consulting
  • Benefit Payments
  • Loan Processing
  • 103(a)(3)(c), Formerly Limited Scope Audits
  • ERISA and DOL Reporting Requirements
  • 401(k) Plan Audit Design Recommendations
  • Plan Correction Assistance
  • Preparation and Review of EBP Financial Statements
  • Review of SOC2 Reports
Employee Benefit Plan Audit Services
Do You Need 401(k) Audit Services?

Do You Need 401(k) Audit Services?

Wondering if your plan requires a 401(k) audit? Today, 401(k) plans that have more than 100 participants are required to have 401(k) audits conducted on an annual basis. At the start of each plan year, eligible participants should be counted, including participants who are active, deceased, retired or separated. After your participant count is confirmed, TaxPro Experts 401(k) auditors can assist you in preparing for your first audit and helping you meet your annual 401(k) audit requirements.

A 401(k) Audit Firm You Can Rely On

With a reputable 401(k) audit firm like TaxPro Experts as your partner, expect our 401(k) auditors to provide timely solutions and reporting to help ease fiduciary responsibility concerns and achieve your plan objectives. For more information on our 401(k) audit services, contact TaxPro Experts today.

A 401(k) Audit Firm You Can Rely On